DILS Seminar

Summer Semester 24

Tuesdays, 14:15, ekvv

Hybrid: U10-116/146 and online via Zoom.

This doctoral research seminar of the DILS graduate school is dedicated to PhD students of the Bielefeld Institute for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (BIBI) and friends. Guests are always welcome.

The topics presented are determined by the research interests of the graduate school. The main aim of this seminar is to keep the participants informed on the current developments and to critically discuss recent developments.

This semester, we want to become further acquainted with the research that is pursued in the individual groups. Of course, we are well informed about the projects of our DILS colleagues anyway. So, the focus in the seminar will be on other projects of the groups. Everyone selects a recent publication of their group that

In teams of two (or three) DILS members from different groups, participant A gets assigned participant B's paper (and vice versa). A prepares the paper and presents it in a seminar talk. In the preparation phase and also in the discussion after the talk, B assists with further context, background information etc.

Date Publication Name
09.04. Organization of the seminar
30.04. R. Heyer, et al., Challenges and perspectives of metaproteomic data analysis, J Biotechnol., 2017 Tom
07.05. D. Walke, …, R. Heyer, The importance of graph databases and graph learning for clinical applications, Database, 2024 Benedikt
14.05. Ö. Maraci, …, S. Jünemann, et al., Timing matters: age-dependent impacts of the social environment and host selection on the avian gut microbiota, Microbiome, 2022 Max
21.05. M. Braga, …, J. Stoye, Investigating the complexity of the double distance problems, Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 2024 Luna
28.05. administrative issues all
04.06. F. Meyer, …, A. Sczyrba, A. McHardy, Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges, Nature Methods, 2022 Emanuel
11.06. L. Cunha, …, J. Stoye, Fast and Simple Jumbled Indexing for Binary Run-Length Encoded Strings, CPM, 2017 Muhammad
18.06. T. Bossche, …, R. Heyer, et al., Critical Assessment of MetaProteome Investigation (CAMPI): a multi-laboratory comparison of established workflows, Nature Communications Luca
Cake & M. Sharan, K. Förstner, et al., APRICOT: an integrated computational pipeline for the sequence-based identification and characterization of RNA-binding proteins, NAR, 2017 Leonard
25.06. M. Martin, M. Patterson, …, A. Schönhuth, T. Marschall, WhatsHap: fast and accurate read-based phasing, bioRxiv, 2016 Andreas
02.07. T. Melnychuk, …, K. Förstner, et al., Development of Similarity Measures From Graph-Structured Bibliographic Metadata: An Application to Identify Scientific Convergence, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2023 Manuel
09.07. D. Arend, …, M. Lange, et al., From data to knowledge - big data needs stewardship, a plant phenomics perspective, the Plant Journal, 2022 Vanessa
16.07. B. Kirsch-Gerweck, …, Jens Stoye, et al., HaploBlocks: Efficient Detection of Positive Selection in Large Population Genomic Datasets, Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2023 Daniel

The randomly arranged teams are: